TheirCare provides a stimulating and safe environment for all children and an environment where children come and enjoy their time in the program. During sessions, children develop life skills, friendships, confidence and creativity through play.
Melrose Primary School has partnered with TheirCare to provide quality care, flexibility and commitment to deliver on our promise to the school community.
To enrol, book or cancel sessions, please use our website : www.theircare.com.au
or give us a call on the Melrose Service Mobile : 0447 010 424

Using the Service
Full enrolment instructions can be found at www.theircare.com.au. Registration and service booking/cancellations are easily managed through the convenient phone app or web portal.
Permanent bookings can be made on the same days every week that simply carry out throughout the year.
Casual bookings are irregular based on your needs. The most cost effective way to use the service is to book 7 days in advance.
(Late bookings made within 48 hours of a service incur a late fee).
Payments are made by direct debit from a nominated bank account. Parents are charged weekly in arrears with a statement available online.
Bookings made within 48 hours of the session will incur a small late fee.
A late pick up fee of $1.00 per child per minute will be charged if a parent or guardian is late for pickup.
Booking can be cancelled up to 48 hours before the session without charge. Cancellations within 48 hours of the session will incur a small cancellation fee.
All fees and charges are highlighted in your School Key Information Sheet. Various subsidies are available from the government to reduce the cost to families for using outside school hours care services.
Guidance is provided in the Key Information Sheet as to the ‘out of pocket’ component that is payable when using the service for your children.
Child Care Benefits (CCB) – All families claiming CCB for approved child care must have their income assessed by the Department of Human Services (DHS). CCB is applied based on the families annual income.
50% Child Care Rebate (CCR) – CCR is not means tested. Most families are eligible for this rebate and will receive a 50% discount on their our of pocket costs. Ensure you nominate the CCR to be paid directly to TheirCare.
Contact Centrelink on 13 61 50 to register.
Our Values Make SENSE
Decision and actions are established around safety
Children learn and experience something new every day
Children have a sense of belonging and trust
We motivate and encourage children to be and do their best
Every child is important
Care Policies
All cultural needs are considered.
Before school care meals include a selection of cereals, wholemeal bread, fruit and milk. Sometimes we offer alternatives such as pancakes and toasties.
After school care meals include fresh vegetables, fruit, fresh sandwiches, wraps, dips, crackers, rice, pasta and soups.
All children with asthma, allergies and anaphylaxis MUST provide the service coordinator with a medical action plan signed by a doctor. The medical plan must be updated every 12 months and an acknowledgement must be signed on a yearly enrolment form if no changes to the medical action plan have been made.
All children with asthma, anaphylaxis and allergies MUST have the medication at the service. Children with medical conditions that attend with no action plan or medication will be sent home.
If your child requires once off medication, a medication authorisation form will need to be signed by the parent / guardian and medication MUST be labelled with the child’s name, required dosage, time, date and storage requirements.
TheirCare has prepared a drop off and collection policy specific for each school and it is important that you follow this at all times. A copy of the policy is on display at the service or is available from your service coordinator.
Importantly: –
- All children must be signed out by an authorised person listed on the enrolment form as an emergency contact person.
- Parents or guardians must inform the service coordinator if an alternative person will be picking up their child/ren, including their details.
- If the person picking up the child/ren is NOT on the enrolment form thus must provide identification on arrival.
NOTE: if the service has not been informed of the person picking up the child the child will NOT be released. - TheirCare will not allow child/ren to walk home unsupervised from the service.
TheirCare welcomes all feedback. We accept direct feedback to the service coordinator or escalated to the area manager. We also provide a feedback dropbox on our website for anonymous suggestions.
We see this as a source of partnership driving to improve or maintain quality at each service.
TheirCare is guided by the National Quality Standards and My Time, Our Place framework. Regular audits of performance are conducted by both service coordinators and operations management.
TheirCare ensures your personal information is NOT shared. All hard copy material will be kept in locked storage and all data will be securely protected.
Engaging & Fun
TheirCare educators are motivated, well trained and profession and their focus is on your children.
All team members have: –
- Valid working with children checks (or equivalent)
- First Aid level 2
- Training in anaphylaxis and asthma
- Food safety
Holiday programs may be operated for each service depending on demand and school preferences. All details of daily activities, incursion and excursions will be advertised online 5 weeks prior to the school holiday commencing.
Children will need to wear appropriate clothing for all day care, they will also need to bring their morning tea, lunch and a drink bottle. All other requirements will be advertised on the program flyer / online. Pricing will also be advertised online and on the flyer.
Planned and unplanned activities are available at every session. Activities are planned based on the children’s interest, needs and developmental stages.
Examples: –
- Cooking experience
- Science experiments
- External workshops (incursions)
- Day to day activities such as Lego, building blocks, drawing, creative play and dance
- Building models such as aeroplanes, cars, ships and houses
- Physical activites (outdoor play)
All information on this page is taken from the TheirCare information booklet which can be found here: –